Top 7 Cold water swimming benefits (2021)

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Keeping physically and mentally healthy could never be more important, especially since the outbreak of covid-19 across the globe, perhaps that is a reason why Cold water swimming has become more and more popular worldwide. Of course with any growth in popularity people start to ask questions and in particular questions based around mental and physical benefits. Luckily for you we have compiled the top 7 benefits down below to have a read through.

The Benefits!

1.) Mental Health

Many studies have shown that taking a plunge into cold water drastically reduce stress. Cold water swimming has also shown to have a positive effect on many mental health issues such as PTSD, Depression and Anxiety. A study from Cambridge University states that degenerative diseases such as dementia may be slowed or even prevented from cold water swimming.

2.) Blood Circulation

Bad blood circulation is something we all have either had or may suffer with at some point in our lives and many of us spend small fortunes on therapies to prevent this. Cold water swimming can do this for free! Cold water forces blood away from your extremities and the surface of your skin, increasing the flow of it around your body’s vital organs in order to keep them warm. Your arteries and veins are flushed with blood as your body forces it around your body to where it is most needed.

3.) Fat Loss

It is no secret that swimming is good for your cardiovascular system with people all around the world using swimming for exercise, fitness and fat loss. Swimming in cold water will increase your heart rate more so than when in warm water. This is because it is working harder to pump blood around your body to keep you warm, in return burning more calories, increasing fat loss and improving your cardiovascular health. Swimming in warm water will not have the same benefits.

4.) Feeling Good

The most important of them all; feeling good! Taking the cold plunge releases endorphins into the brain which is the chemical that simply makes you feel good

5.) Immune System

Those who frequently swim in cold water claim to suffer less from colds and mild infections. When immersed in cold water your white blood cells increase, which strengthens your immune system.

6.)Inflammation and Recovery

Immersing yourself in cold water has been shown to help the body reduce inflammation. Blood vessels constrict around your muscles which can help them reduce in swelling and also recover. Cold water numbs nerve endings that can bring immediate pain relief, a fine alternative to paracetamol.

7.) Libido

Many healthy chemicals are released around your body when dipping into cold water which improve physical and mental health. Amongst these chemicals are testosterone and oestrogen which boosts sex drive.

A cold dip somewhere off the coast in the U.K

Is cold water swimming safe?

In short, Yes it is safe to go cold water swimming, however it does come with risk. Safety is paramount with any activity involving water, especially if the water is icy cold. That’s why here at Feel alive, we have constructed an entire article based around water safety that you can check out by clicking the link, Swim safety tips.

Thank for reading! Please leave a message below if this post has helped you in anyway or whether you have any cold water benefits you would like to share.