Open water swimming and wetsuits

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In this article we are going to answer some of your frequently asked questions when it comes to open water swimming and your wetsuit, providing you with valuable insights into the dynamic combo. When the water is cold a wetsuit is going to add to your comfort, safety and length of time you can spend in the water. Depending on where you are in the world wetsuits can be worn all year round, so its vital that you know a little bit about the gear you wear.

Can you open water swim with a wetsuit?

Oh yes you can! Open water swimming and wetsuits go hand in hand. A well-fitting wetsuit allows you to conquer open water challenges comfortably. It provides insulation, buoyancy, and shields you from the elements. The versatility of wetsuits makes them ideal for open water swimming adventures.

Do wetsuits enhance your buoyancy during open water Swimming?

Certainly! Wetsuits offer inherent buoyancy, allowing you to float effortlessly in the water. The neoprene material used in wetsuits is designed to provide buoyancy, improving your body positioning and minimizing drag. By wearing a wetsuit, you can maximize your buoyancy and glide through the water with greater ease.

What is the optimal fit for a open water swimming wetsuit?

Achieving the right fit is crucial for open water swimming wetsuits. A well-fitted wetsuit should be snug yet comfortable, ensuring unrestricted movement. It forms a protective barrier by trapping a thin layer of water between your body and the suit, enhancing insulation and buoyancy. Remember, a proper fit is essential to fully reap the benefits of your wetsuit. If you are unfamiliar with wearing a wetsuit it may seem tight on your body. This is normal, so don’t panic! The wetsuit is essentially a second layer of skin, so it may feel a little tight in some areas.

Can you swim in a 5mm wetsuit during open water activities?

Absolutely! A 5mm wetsuit is an excellent choice for open water swimming, particularly in colder water conditions. The thickness of a 5mm wetsuit provides exceptional insulation, keeping you warm and comfortable during your swim. It acts as a reliable shield against the elements, allowing you to focus on your performance and enjoy the open water experience. A 5mm suit is predominantly used in the colder months of the year, using a wetsuit this thick in warmer water can feel a little overwhelming, generating a personal sauna underneath the neoprene. If wanting to swim in the warmer months of the year a 3mm wetsuit will be a more comfortable choice.

Are wetsuits easier to put on wet or dry?

Wetsuits are typically easier to put on when dry. Dry neoprene material facilitates smooth movement and reduces friction against your skin. This makes the dressing process more efficient. However, if you find yourself with a wet wetsuit or no access to a dry one, dampening the suit with water can help minimize friction and facilitate easier wearability. Another trick of the trade is to put a plastic carrier bag over both of your feet then slide into your wetsuit, this creates no friction and also makes you feel super smug whilst watching everyone else struggle.

Can you utilize a surfing wetsuit for open water swimming?

While surfing wetsuits share similarities with those designed specifically for open water swimming, it’s recommended to use a wetsuit tailored to the demands of open water activities. Surfing wetsuits may have specific features, such as extra thickness in certain areas, to withstand friction from surfboards. For the ultimate open water swimming experience, invest in a wetsuit optimized for your needs, offering the ideal combination of flexibility, insulation, and buoyancy.

If you are now looking for a wetsuit then look no further than Best wetsuits for wild swimming – For men 2021 and Best wetsuits for wild swimming – For women 2021

With the right wetsuit, your open water swimming experience will become ever more enjoyable. Please check out Swim safety tips to keep you and your friends safe whilst out in the water.

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