How do I make my own hammock?

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If you have ever been sat outside and started to wonder how to build your own hammock, then look no further! This is a simple, effective guide on making your own hammock using affordable materials. This can be done at home or amongst the great outdoors. Building your own hammock gives you an excuse to spend more time outside, it’s not only a fun activity, it is also a skill that can be taken around the world and used when camping. Following these simple steps below will guide you through a quick and easy process to start building your own hammock.

Materials to build your hammock

You will need three types of material to build a hammock.

1.) One bed sheet, ensure the bed sheet is strong without any rips in it. Ideally this should be something that you don’t mind getting a little dirty.

2.) Two sticks, strong durable sticks or pieces of wood that are approximately 30 cm long, the length of these dosent have to be exact.

3.) Two pieces of rope, again like the other two materials, strong rope that will support your own weight.

Once you have all three of these items you have everything you need to make your own hammock.

Step by step guide

1.) The first step to building your hammock is to create a loop in one of your pieces of rope. Your aiming for the length of the loop to be just a little longer than the length of your stick. You can create the loop using an over hand loop knot or a granny knot.

2.) Lay your bed sheet out flat on the ground. Take the smaller width of the sheet and start ruffling It up into one hand from the middle.

3.) Take the ruffled end and place one of your sticks behind it, folding the end of the bed sheet over it.

4.) Now its time to take the loop that you created earlier with your rope and place it over the stick and blanket. Once over the stick, twist the loop and place it once more over the stick at both ends. Pull the rope and sheet apart from each other causing it to tighten. This should now of successfully secured your rope to one end of your hammock.

5.) Now repeat all four steps exactly the same on the other end of your sheet. Once completed you have successfully made your hammock!

6.) The last step is to hang your hammock. You need to be able to find two solid posts/trees that are strong enough to support your weight. Attach one end of your rope to a post securing it, repeat this with the other side. Make sure your hammock is no lower than 2ft off the ground and that the ropes are secured tightly to avoid them coming lose. For a better insight into hanging a hammock and more top tips please click here

Check out the video below with a full demonstration on DIY hammock building.

Like always here at feel alive outside, we love to hear about your adventures. If this post has inspired you to build your own hammock, please do leave a comment below and let us know how it went. Happy hammocking !