Open water Swimming equipment – Top five must haves for open water success

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Having the correct gear when going open water swimming can help keep you safe, warm and give you a more enjoyable experience when in and out of the water. It is important when choosing your gear that you get not only good quality equipment, but the right equipment as well. Luckily for you with have put together five pieces of equipment that we recommend to anyone who is starting out as an open water swimmer. Each piece of equipment below has a link to follow that will take you directly to Amazon. The equipment below has been chosen through best quality for price!

1.) Wetsuit

Wearing a wetsuit provides warmth and comfort. It is likely that the open water you decide to swim in will have a chill to it. So it’s important that you pick the correct wetsuit to keep you warm without restricting your movement to much. Below is a wetsuit picked by feel alive outside, for its durability, warmth and quality for price. Please click the link below for a more detailed description of this particular wetsuit.

Synergy Triathlon Wetsuit 3/2mm Volution Full Sleeve Smoothskin Neoprene for Open Water Swimming Ironman & USAT Approved.

2.)Open water, swim goggles

Picking a good pair of goggles will protect your eyes, giving you good vision underwater preventing you from becoming disorientated. Open water can be merky compared to a pool unless your swimming in the Bahamas, so it’s important to have clear lenses. Below is a pair of goggles picked by feel alive outside mainly for its durability against any unwanted leaks when submerged. Check out the link below.

3.)Swimming cap

Although wearing a bright orange swim cap on your head may look a little ridiculous, it is not uncommon for open water swimmers to wear them. These handy pieces of kit can help keep your hair out of your face, aswell as making you more streamlined in the water giving you more speed. A bright swim cap is also great for safety, given that they help people spot you easier when your in the water.

4.) Swimming Bouy

As a beginner swimmer or a seasoned pro, having a swimming buoy is an essential piece of kit for your safety and own piece of mind especially when going on a lengthy swim. Essentially they are designed to give you a break if your feeling a little tired or are in some kind of difficulty. The one we have chosen below is brightly coloured so it stands out and can be easily spotted by other water users. This particular buoy is also a dry bag so as well as keeping you afloat, can keep all your essentials dry and safe.

5.) Dry Robe

With dry robes increasingly growing in popularity, they now are not just a brilliant item to keep you warm and toasty after your dip but also a way to look fashionable! Who says you cant look good when shivering like an Eskimo. Dry robes do come at a price though! but are made to last and are perfect for warming up after a long swim.

Of course you can go swimming without all this equipment, however these are highly recommended for your safety and also general enjoyment when in the water. All products above have been selected by Feel Alive Outside and have been tried and tested by our users, all giving good feedback. Like always leave a comment below and let us know how you get on with any of the products.