What is wild swimming

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The arrival of lockdowns all across the globe has sparked a new revolution of people wanting to try out different activities that get them out of the house. Wild swimming is an activity many have been able to continue despite the lockdowns we have experienced all over the world. Wild swimming is a fantastic outdoor activity that helps you keep fit and stay happy – but what do you need to know before giving it a go?

Wild swimming can mean many different things to different people, but generally, it’s swimming outside anywhere that is not in a swimming pool. Lakes, oceans and rivers are all bodies of water that are used worldwide for wild swimming. With this in mind wild swimming can really be done anywhere, unless your stuck in the Sahara Desert of course!

Taking a dip outside in the wild can be daunting if you don’t know where to start. However, swimming outdoors is said to have great health benefits and there is certinately something crazy (and a little bit naughty!) about taking a plunge somewhere wild and beautiful. The feeling of the cold water on your body may leave you a little breathless at first, but once your breathing is controlled, it is not uncommon to feel euphoric and invigorated. Wild swimming can be done with or without a wetsuit, it depends entirely on what YOU are comfortable with.

Conveniently wild swimming requires very minimal equipment which makes far out places more easily accessible. Adventuring out to find somewhere wild gives you the perfect opportunity to explore! For me, this really is the true beauty of wild swimming.

Please check out Top 7 Cold water swimming benefits (2021) for a list on how cold water can benefit you.

Is Wild swimming safe?

One of the main questions people ask before wild swimming is whether it’s actually safe. Safety is the first thing you need to think about before and during any swim for obvious reasons.

Overall wild swimming is safe! However that is not to say that it doesn’t come with its own risks, which in some circumstances can become serious. Risk is something that can be negated if you follow safety advice and use your common sense. Below is a few things that should be considered before taking any dip.

It is important to know the environment your swimming in, if your in a river or ocean there is likely to be currents and potentially rips. So brush up on you local knowledge before taking the plunge. Many beaches worldwide have lifeguard cover but most wild lakes, rivers and beaches don’t. Perhaps this is what gives the swim a wild touch!

Get to know your own capabilities when in the water, if you are new to swimming, its important to ensure you don’t get out of your depth – don’t challenge yourself to swim beyond what you know your capable of doing.

Having correct equipment can add a good element of safety to any swim, it is not uncommon for swimmers to attach a swimming buoy to their waist when swimming. This particular piece of equipment can offer much needed rest if you can’t touch the bottom and gives confidence when going for more lengthy swims. Warm clothing for getting in and out the water is also essential, especially if swimming in the colder months. Its worth considering a wetsuit for extra warmth, this will help you stay in the water for longer. As an added bonus, a wetsuit will help protect your skin from any loose debris floating in the water as well. If the wild water you are swimming in is not particularly clear (and you can’t see what’s on the bottom) it is worth wearing wetsuit boots, as these will help keep your feet protected as you swim and tread water.

Wild swim safety – 10 top tips

1.) Avoid any contact with blue/green algae.

2.) No swimming in urban waterways and canals

3.) Avoid stagnant water.

4.) Avoid swimming through reeds and dense vegetation.

5.) Cover any open wounds with a dressing to avoid infection.

6.) Ensure there is an exit point.

7.) Don’t jump into murky water without knowing the depth.

8.) Always swim with a friend and keep watch on each other.

9.) Take a charged phone with you in case of emergencies.

10.) Consider water shoes/booties to protect the soles of your feet.

Please check out Swim safety tips for more safety advice and information.

How to get into wild swimming

1.) The first thing you need to consider before getting into wild swimming is how capable you are at swimming and treading water. A good way to test this is testing your skills out in a pool or even in just shallow open water.

2.) Be prepared to come in contact with nature! This may seem slightly ridiculous, but its not uncommon to be swimming amongst fish, slimy vegetation and insects. After all, you are in the wild.

3.) Find yourself a swim buddy. We never advise you to swim on your own. Swimming in the wild is not like your everyday leisure pool, the water is choppy and will have a chill to it. This is why its important for you and your buddy to look out for one another. Plus why not share the fun?

Your first swim:

Make sure you arrive warm, motivation can be hard to find when getting into cold water when already cold. Take your time entering the water and lie down onto your back, letting the water surround your body. You will feel the cold on your whole body, increasing your breathing rate. Focus on controlling this and persevering with the cold. After a couple minutes your breathing will return to normal and you body will acclimatize to the temperature. Now its time to really enjoy your swim and the wild environment surrounding you. You will have a natural high after your swim and a smile reaching from ear to ear.

What to wear wild swimming

What you decide to wear is completely dependant on the season and how far your travelling on foot to your wild swimming spot. The main thing to consider is wearing items of clothing that will keep you warm before and after your dip in the water. Many people enjoy swimming in just a swim costume or nude. This can be a truly freeing feeling with nothing in between your skin and the wild. That’s not to say that you cant wear a wetsuit if your not great with the cold. Check out Open water Swimming equipment – Top five must haves for open water success.

I hope this article has given you a good insight into what wild swimming is and how it can benefit you. Like always here at feel alive we like to hear your feedback, so please leave a comment below.