Following the pandemic, cold water swimming has risen massively in popularity across the globe. There are many studies to suggest that cold water can be beneficial for your mental and physical health. But can cold water swimming cure depression?
Mike Tipton, a professor from Portsmouth university was involved in a 2018 case study of a 24-year-old woman, who had had major depression since the age of 17. The study had some extremely positive and astounding results. Following the birth of her daughter, she wanted to become medication and depression free so undertook the study which lasted several weeks.
The study found cold-water swimming “led to an immediate improvement in mood following each swim and a gradual reduction in symptoms of depression. which then led to being medication free. A year later after the study was concluded she still remained medication free!
The study stated, “Physiological mechanisms are linked to cross-adaptation, whereby exposure and adaptation to one stressor impacts on the response to another stressor.” Which in simple terms means that the mental stress caused by depression is combated by a new physiological stress which can be caused by immersing yourself in cold water.
Post Swim High swim
Since starting on my own cold water journey I have noticed a ‘post swim high’ after every time I have taken the plunge, turns out that I am not alone with this. The study also found that regular cold-water swimming results in a ‘post swim high’, which is very common in a lot of people. There is some science behind this which explains that when immersing yourself in cold water it, triggers the release of beta-endorphins, commonly known as the feel good chemical.
Before entering the water there is undoubtedly some adrenaline and apprehension. However once immersed the feeling of cold water on your skin can become euphoric, giving your mind and body a chance to forget about all the daily stresses and just focus on the present. Once out of the water there is a real sense of self achievement which works hand in hand with endorphins rushing around your brain. Check out Top 7 Cold water swimming benefits (2021) for more info on how cold water swimming could help benefit you.
According to the world health organisation, ‘Depression is a common illness worldwide, with an estimated 3.8% of the population affected’, which equates to more than 260 million people worldwide. The research also states that over 700,000 people a year commit suicide and unsurprisingly this means that suicide is the fourth largest cause of death in 15-29 year olds.
Depression can be debilitating for anyone who suffers from it and it is likely that it may affect you one day, whether that be knowing a friend, family member or even suffering yourself. So it is important to be aware of ways to remedy this other than treating with anti-depressants.
Please check out Swim safety tips before taking the plunge.
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Information gathered from:
Open water swimming as a treatment for major depressive disorder | BMJ Case Reports